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Pomegranate explores the subject of migration through sharing many people’s individual stories, either recent experiences or stories handed down from past generations. 

We would love to read your stories and poems, or see your artwork. Stories, for example, about arrival and of setting down roots in Gascony, remembering special traditions, childhood games, a treasured cooking implement, a favourite recipe, or recounting particular acts or words of kindness that will always be remembered. Stories that build hope, not walls of hate.

You can write just a few words, or a whole story. Share your words, make a photographic essay, a cartoon, write a letter or a postcard. Help us see things differently by challenging our perceptions. 

To quote a famous example, many years ago in Japan a young student shared his poem with the master poet Bashō, renowned for his short haiku poems.

"Red dragonflies.
Take off their wings,
and they are pepper pods.”

No, said Bashō. This is not a good haiku. If you wish to make a good haiku, you should say

"Red pepper pods.
Add wings to them,
and they are dragonflies!

Pomegranate is about sharing stories and changing perceptions.
It is about truth not lies.
It is about kindness not hate.
It is about sharing, dignity and respect.
It is about changing the story!

Please send us your stories, poems and artwork (up to a maximum of 5000 words, in French or English), and any questions, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Contributions will be posted on the site (under your name, a pseudonym or anonymously, as you wish) in French, Occitan and English as appropriate. In addition, once a year Pomegranate aims to publish selected contributions in a print edition. 

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All rights reserved, Association Pomegranate.